
Ministry of Culture

Ministerstvo kultury

Department of Environmental Protection of the City of Prague, section EVVO


The Department of Environmental Protection of the City of Prague is responsible for the conceptual activities of the City of Prague in the field of environmental education and functions as a regional department of EVVO (environmental education, education and awareness). It systematically supports environmental education centers and eco-centers in its territory. The Department works with the topic of eco-education by implementing many activities, providing grant support and also through its contributory organizations.

The department is dedicated to the development and promotion of environmental education in Prague, support for projects of organizations and schools, as well as education and information about Prague’s nature. The main projects and activities in this area are events and campaigns for the public, teacher training, subsidizing ecological teaching programs for schools, organizing conferences and professional sharing, methodological support for schools and municipalities, providing excursions for pupils of Prague schools and many other activities. The Department publishes the Prague EVVOluce e-magazine and also provides information on Facebook. In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to climate protection awareness and education.

Funding and implementation of environmental education projects is provided through public procurement, grant support and diverse horizontal cooperation with institutions and organizations in Prague.

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Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky

The Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (AOPK ČR) is a state institution that provides professional and practical care for nature and landscape and protects our common heritage. It manages 24 protected landscape areas, national nature reserves and national natural monuments in the Czech Republic. 

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BioLib is a Czech taxonomic database of plants, fungi and animals. At you can find a rich gallery, an explanatory glossary and many other useful features. BioLib has been in operation for over twenty years and serves a wide range of users as a source of information, a medium for popularizing natural science, a platform for citizen science, and as a tool for supporting scientific projects and museum databases.

Botanical Garden of the capital city Prague

On a picturesque hillside in the Troja district of Prague, you can find an oasis of peace that is perfect for taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. There is a botanical garden with twenty-two thousand species of plants where you will find extensive outdoor exhibition areas, a Japanese garden and a protected vineyard with the Chapel of St. Clare and an 18th century vineyard house with a wine cellar. In the Tropical Fata Morgana Greenhouse, immerse yourself in the heart of a tropical jungle and experience the beauty of exotic plants with all your senses. You can explore the garden on your own or book a guided tour. During the year, the garden offers many exhibitions and accompanying events. 

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Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning (CAMP)

CAMP is a multimedia gallery with a unique large-scale projection and an information center whose main mission is to improve the public discussion about the development of Prague and bring the topic of architecture closer to the general public. CAMP wants to be an inspiration not only for Prague, but also for other cities in the Czech Republic, which is why it includes lectures by famous world architects in its program.

The CAMP premises also have a study room, a cafe, an outdoor terrace and a modern lecture hall. CAMP organizes a rich program consisting of public discussions, performances by domestic and foreign experts, workshops, screenings and other activities.

CAMP falls under the Institute of Planning and Development of the Capital City of Prague, the main conceptual workplace established by the Prague Municipality for the fields of architecture, urbanism, development and public space.

CAMP is located in the center of Prague near Karlovo náměstí, in the grounds of the Emmaus Abbey (Vyšehradská 51, Prague 2), in the so-called Prager’s Cubes.

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Czech Coalition for Biodiversity Conservation

The CCBC (Czech Coalition for Biodiversity Conservation) is a coalition of non-profit organizations working to protect biodiversity around the world. CCBC connects and supports a wide variety of organizations that help to improve the quality of life in many ways and operates on 4 continents, but is based in the Czech Republic.

We are dedicated to educational and cultural programs. We organize and support volunteer work in the Czech Republic and especially abroad.

CCBC has a wide scope, supporting 18 organizations/projects.

More here: CCBC 

Czech Botanical Society

Česká botanická společnost

The Czech Botanical Society brings together those interested in botany from the professional and lay public. It has a total of six regional branches, and organizes lectures on botanical topics and excursions focused on the discovery of vascular and non-vascular plants and publishes several periodicals. Among the most important events of the Society are conferences and floristic courses.

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Česká společnost pro ochranu netopýrů

The Czech Bat Conservation Society (ČESON) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to coordinate research and the conservation of bats and their environment. ČESON collects information on bat conservation issues, alerts the responsible authorities, and proposes solutions to these issues. It produces expert reports and contributes significantly to the monitoring of bat populations in the Czech Republic. Much attention is paid to the promotion of bat conservation among the general public, education and the environmental education of children.

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CULS – Faculty of Environmental Sciences

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague provides comprehensive education in a wide range of environmental disciplines. It is a respected institution thanks to its multidisciplinary approach to environmental protection and sustainable development. It responds to global challenges, modern educational trends and the demand for experience with an emphasis on the applicability of knowledge and research results. The experienced team trains and inspires quality professionals who find concrete applications in governmental and commercial spheres.


Ecocenter Koniklec


Koniklec (“pasque flower“ in English) is an environmental center and NGO with more than 20 years of experience. Their mission is to teach ourselves and others to protect the environment and co-create values for the future. Their vision is a better environment and a higher quality of life. They are involved in environmental education, awareness and counselling, practical conservation and the creation of nature trails in the countryside. Their themes are biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, waste prevention and more.

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Prague Forestry Company

Lesy hlavního města Prahy

The Prague Forestry Company is a state-funded institution of the capital city, whose main task is to care for Prague’s nature. It manages more than 2,900 ha of Prague forests and important Prague parks, including Stromovka, Petřín, Letenské sady, the park on Vítkov Hill and the Hvězda Game Reserve. It also takes care of 198 monumental trees, operates the oldest Prague horticulture business, Horticulture Ďáblice, and since 2017 also the Composting Plant of the capital city of Prague. It has also been operating the Prague Composting Plant in Slivenec since 2017. It manages approximately 300 kilometers of small waterways and 175 water reservoirs on the territory of the capital. Since 2012, it has been operating a wildlife rescue station, which also includes 4 forest zoos that serve as detached workplaces of the rescue station. It takes care of 16 beehives located in forests and parks throughout Prague. Since 2008, the organization has been cooperating with schools and the general public in Prague through environmental education, education and awareness. In 2017, the organization expanded its offer of eco-educational activities with the opening of the Prales eco-center.

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National Library of Technology

The National Library of Technology (NTL) is a public library with a specialized collection focused on science, technology and applied natural sciences. Its main role is to provide specialist information resources and services to students, teachers, researchers, as well as to those interested in specialist information from the general public. The library offers access to electronic and print books and journals and comfortable spaces for working and studying in a modern, eco-friendly building on the Dejvice campus. In addition, NTK provides information support in the form of consultations, workshops and webinars focused on handling information.

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Přírodovědecká fakulta UK

Přírodově is a popularization project of the Faculty of Science of Charles University, which was established in 2011 with the aim to reach students and teachers of primary and secondary schools, the media, as well as the general public, and to arouse their interest in the natural sciences. Their main resources are the website, where you can find many interesting sections, the magazine Přírodově published quarterly, and events for the general public that introduce the areas of research in which the Faculty of Science is involved.

Natural History Association Darwin

The Natural History Association Darwin is a team of enthusiastic naturalists who strive to draw man into nature and attract nature to man. Since 2018, it has been organizing groups, camps, lectures, excursions and other research activities in and around Prague – either under the roof of its classrooms and kennels or directly in the wilderness of nature, both near and far. Leading the participants of its activities to respect nature and people.

More about Darwin here: 


Naturalists’ station of DDM hl. m. Prague

Dům dětí a mládeže hl. m. Prahy

The naturalists’ station of DDM hl. m. Prague has been operating in Prague’s Smíchov district for more than 65 years. It organizes interest groups, natural science events, suburban and residential camps, educational programs and regional rounds of professional olympiads. There are animal enclosures, a botanical garden and a greenhouse with a tropical terrarium, where we keep, among others, Nile crocodiles, pygmy caimans, pythons, iguanas and other tropical animals. There is also a rich collection of subtropical and tropical plants. Children can play in the playground.

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TEREZA – Educational Centre

The TEREZA Educational Centre works together with teachers and parents.

It develops educational programs and materials for teachers and parents to encourage children to be environmentally responsible.

They strive for children to learn about nature and the real world through their own experience, exploration and by carrying out their own projects…


Toulcův dvůr

Toulcův dvůr

Toulcův dvůr is a registered association. It is an umbrella organization with four member organizations that focus mainly on environmental education and awareness or operate as a social enterprise. All its activities are conceived in an ancient farmhouse, which is situated in Prague’s Hostivař district, and is unusual not only because of the farm and surrounding natural area, but also because of its listed buildings, with a history dating back to the Middle Ages. It manages 10 ha of valuable natural areas. In its 25 years of operation, Toulcův dvůr has won numerous awards and is one of the most important ecological centers in the Czech Republic. Its operations have a number of certifications and they receive thousands of visitors every year.

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